Dátum konania
07/04/2019 - 17/04/2019
Miesta konania
Sibenik, Croatia
Typ projektu:
Mládežnícka výmena v Šibeniku sa konala v dňoch 7. – 17. apríla 2019 a venovala sa téme podpory aktívnej účasti mladých ľudí na demokratickom živote.
Článok tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/clanok-z-vymeny-pri-ktorom-sa-urcite-nasmejete
Zhrnutie o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:
The youth exchange “In EU(th) we trust” was an Erasmus+ project and it aimed to bring together young people from different European countries and give them the opportunity to share ideas and opinions about EU. The aim was to promote EU values and the youth participation in democratic life improving the life quality in the local communities and facilitating the debate about Europe among the young people. The mobility allowed to the participants to acquire more awareness on the European citizenship and youth participation, spreading “Europtimism”, with a view to the forthcoming elections. In fact, the youth turnout in the last European elections was low, especially in the countries involved in this project.
Youth exchange was designed to engage young people and promote:
- European citizenship and European values;
- youth participation in democratic life;
- European Parliament elections.
Účastníci výmeny boli z Chorvátska , Poľska
, Portugalska
, Talianska
, Litvy
a Slovenska