Dátum konania
12/01/2018 - 20/01/2018
Miesta konania
Berlin, Germany
Typ projektu:
“Jednoznačne úžasná skúsenosť! Už len samotná cesta bola skvelý teambuilding pre našu slovenskú skupinku, keďže sme sa museli z letiska dopraviť cez nočný Berlín (bludisko) kde nám prekvapivo nikto po anglicky nerozumel ?
Čo sa týka samotných workshopov, určite mi to dalo neskutočne veľa nových skills.. napríklad práca so skupinou a všeliake aktivity, ktoré môžem využiť neskôr, práca na projekte a aj prezentovanie pred skupinou (to dá zabrať)
Ľudia boli jednoducho skvelí, kedže sme boli na výmene o multicalturalisme, bolo zaujímavé vidieť aký odlišný pohľad na svet majú oni..
A samozrejme veľa nových priateľov, aj z našej svk group sme boli super partia, spolubývajúci ? určite sa chceme ešte stretnúť a sme v kontakte.
Jedlo atmosféra super, Berlín neskutočné mesto, mali sme čas si ho dobre pozrieť a zažiť veľa humorných a exciting zážitkov…”
Main aims of the project were:
- Creation of the respect and curiosity for the different culture and people;
- Promoting ideas and values of interculturalism among young people;
- Promotion of the values, skills and anti-discriminative attitude towards the cultural diversity in youth work
Main objectives of the project:
- Raising awareness of participants that each individual has specific cultural identity;
- Raising awareness among young people about cultural diversity and its benefits;
- Creation of dialogue between the participants representing different cultures;
- To provide participants with tools and skills, how to recognize discrimination and racism in society and also how to fight against them.
- Improve intercultural competence in order to manage and work with diversity in all its forms;
- Strengthening the capacity of youth organizations
- To promote Erasmus plus as a tool and platform to work with youth with fewer opportunities (cultural differences, economical/social obstacles)
- Create contacts with new organizations;
The methodology was based on fundamental principles of non-formal education. Technique as work in small groups, discussions, presentation of good practices and others allowed participants to participate fully in the learning process, learning from experience and facilitating interaction and full participation in the group.
Erasmus+ and Youthpass workshops were also organized where participants got informed about opportunities under this programme and how to evaluate knowledge gained on the youth exchange.
Exchange of food and drink, more known as intercultural night was part of this exchange where participants had a chance to taste different kind of food and drinks, also increase awareness and understanding of the cultural and ethnic diversity, create an atmosphere of neighborly celebration, educate about cultural differences and simi-larity of countries participate.
Účastníci boli z Nemecka , Bulharska , Srbska , Rumunska , Turecka a samozrejme zo Slovenska .