Dátum konania
11/08/2017 - 18/08/2017
Miesta konania
Samobor, Croatia
Typ projektu:
feedback od účastníčok:
Zuzana napísala článok ktorý si môžete prečítať tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/pretoze-kto-neskusi-nezisti
Mária napísala o tréningu takto:
“Vážný tim ADEL Slovakia, touto cestou by som sa Vám chcela podakovať za jedinečnú možnosť vycestovať do Chorvástska a zúcastniť sa tréningového kurzu Moving Youth v Samobore. Keďže sa jednalo o moju prvú skúsenosť s erasmus+ projektmi som uprimne nevedela čo od tohoto kurzu očakávať. Napriek nabitemu programu, ktorý bol plný workshopov a praktickych cvičení sme mali dostatok času na networking s spoznávanie novych ludí, vďaka čomu sme si mohli precvičiť aj iné jazyky ako len angličtinu. V neposlednom rade musím vyzdvihnúť profesionalitu našich inštruktorov, ktorí nám odovzdali svoje cenné skúsenosti ako využívať šport ako edukatívny prostriedok pre deti a mládež. Vďaka tejto úžasnej skúsenosti môžem tréningové kurzy vrelo odporúčiť každému, kto si chce rozšíriť obzory, rád sa vzdeláva, cestuje a spoznáva nových ľudí zo všetkých kútov Európy. Adel Slovakia a Erasmus+ spája mladých ľudí z celej Európy a ponúka im unikátnu možnosť zaziť a naučiť sa niečo nové. Ďakujem”
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
This project was developed with the aim to include youth workers, youth leaders and trainers from participating countries into the process of acquiring and developing new tools and methods to integrate sport and physical activities in their youth work, community work and educational activities. Basis of this project is the concept of Education through Sports (ETS)
- theoretical workshops aiming to enhance knowledge about connection of physical activity and health of participants with fewer opportunities regarding access to that kind of theoretical knowledge as well as lack of access to sport facilities and sports in general.
- practical workshops aiming to enhance even further their knowledge and to provide them with skills in various sports so they can use their knowledge and skills to enhance their health as well as health and lives of people in their local community.
- energizers, icebreakers and other types of team building activities, intercultural evenings
- ability to use Education through Sports in youth work; ability of creating, inventing and developing new exercises that integrate the value and ideas of ETS;
- ability to effectively address the needs of young people they work with through sports and physical activities;
- increasing participant’s awareness of their own learning process and style: the most important learning outcome as it involves motivation and being able to reflect critically in terms of attitudes, which are extremely important in achieving a successful learning process;
- developing ethical competences and values in terms of attitudes such as freedom, solidarity, tolerance, equity and sense of belonging, democratic participatory attitude as well as teamwork and cooperation;
- the ability to elaborate strategy; creative, innovative and critical thinking; understanding and respect of each one’s cultural background, self-respect and respect for others, respect for different opinions and points
of view, acceptance of differences and diversity, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices; - ability to cope with stress and frustration, to create confidence and to feel empathy;
- abilities for planning and organisation and ability to work individually as well as in a team innovation, proactive attitude, independence and determination to achieve planned aims;
Link na publikáciu z projektu tu: http://online.pubhtml5.com/qjzg/vglr/
Na tréningu budú účastníci z Bulharska , Slovenska , Holandska , Talianska , Česka , Francúzska , Poľska , Španielska , Lotyšska a Rumunska . Z každej krajiny boli 2 účastníci.