Dátum konania
08/11/2019 - 16/11/2019
Miesta konania
Wierzchosławice, Poland
Typ projektu:
Článok od účastníkov o tom ako bolo si môžete pozrieť tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/ako-bojovat-proti-vyluceniu
Zhrnutie o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:
Youth Exchange was related to the problem of the widespread social exclusion phenomenon. The main objective of the project was therefore to deepen the knowledge of participants about social exclusion – its causes, consequences and groups affected and even more sensitizing young people to the presence of socially excluded people in the environment. What is more, the participants reflected on possible ways to counteract social exclusion. An excellent opportunity for such a debate and exchange of views was international exchange, during which young people under the guidance of experienced facilitators took the subject of social exclusion from the perspective of young people from countries with varying degrees of exposure to social exclusion.
The project aimed at understanding the process of social inclusion and provides opportunity for young people to experience intercultural learning. Results of the youth exchange was gathering good examples of inclusion activities which can serve as an inspiration for further action. The aim of the project was also improvement the soft skills of participants through the opportunity to work in an international environment, namely such skills as speaking in public, working in groups, expressing and defending your opinion, or empathy.
Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku od 18-30 rokov. Účastníci boli z Litvy , Česka , Poľska , Rumunska a Bulharska . Z každej krajiny bolo po 6 účastníkov.