Dátum konania
12/10/2023 - 18/10/2023
Miesta konania
Palermo, Italy
Typ projektu:
Gender stereotypes and sexism are visible in all forms of social interaction: from public spaces to websites and (social) media. They often take the form of hate speech, both online and offline and both women and men, it disproportionately targets women and exacerbates gender inequality. Our aim is therefore to encourage the youths to take into consideration a gender-sensitive approach in their communication and take an active role in producing social change. This will be done through practical activities aimed at creating an online campaign to combat gender stereotypes and sexism.
1. To provide a deeper understanding of the concepts of gender equality and GBV
2. To analyse the different forms of sexism and hate speech
3. To create communications strategies to raise awareness on the topic
4. To raise awareness on the existence of gendered media and societies;
5. To examine existing cases and analyse approaches on how to address gender culture in the media;
6. To foster young people’s critical thinking skills and encourage them to be actors of social change;
Participants were from other countries in EU. Therewere 5 participants from each country.