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Dátum konania
12/11/2021 - 21/11/2021

Miesta konania
Manchester, Spojené kráľovstvo

Typ projektu:

Viac informácií o čom bol tréning:

The overall aim of the training was to train youth workers to involve youth in exploring gender equality and combating inequality.  

The methodology of the training: 

Methodology of the project was based on an intercultural approach and non-formal education. We had prepared a dedicated workshop (theory and practice) on non-formal education to enable participants to understand how this tool can be used and applied in their everyday youth work reality. General methodology reflected different learning styles/needs. The training utilised a variety of exercises, combining individual and team work, learner-centred ways, theoretical inputs and approaches to increase the active participation of youth workers during the planned activities.  We employed a variety of different tools: ice-breakers, name games, short activities allowing participants to learn each other’s names, team-building activities, energizers, small group work, large group work, simulation activities and role plays, media workshops (new media, social media, multimedia), dance workshops, intercultural activities, open-space activities, peer review, self-evaluation.

Účastníci boli z Rumunska Romania, Veľkej Británie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Maďarska Hungary, Estónska Estonia, Bulharska Bulgaria, Litvy Lithuania, Turecka Turkey, Talianska Italy, Grécka Greece a Slovenska Slovakia. Z každej krajiny bolo po 4 účastníkov.