Od EDS k full-time práci
Category:Príbehy účastníkov“Chcela by som ti veľmi poďakovať za sprostredkovanie tejto možnosti, za tvoj čas, pomoc, rady a podporu. Aj vďaka tebe a ADEL som prežila neuveriteľný rok plných zážitkov a získala cenné skúsenosti. Prajem vám, aby ste stále mohli robiť tak skvelú prácu akú robíte a aby ešte mnoho mladých ľudí vďaka vám mohlo prežiť tak nezabudnuteľnú skúsenosť akú som mala ja.” Zlatka
Zlatka strávila 12 mesiacov na EDS v Bulharsku, meste Blagoevgrad a po jej skončení dostala ponuku zostať v organizácií pracovať.
Zopár fotiek.
Zhrnutie o čom bol jej projekt:
This EVS project was created by association ” Еuni Partners” to support and foster intercultural dialogue and exchange of good practices in areas that participants are interested in creating long-lasting partnerships with new people, organizations and institutions.One of our main goals was to raise participants’ awareness of other countries, learn more about different cultures , values and lifestyle of other citizens who ” live ” around them. Another goal was to develop professional and personal qualities, better behavioral skills that participants will use in their future realization.Volunteers participated in the development and implementation of youth initiatives and projects with the assistance of team member. Volunteers participated and organized various events, trips, seminars and etc. During the project by using formal and informal learning methods we encouraged them to develop important qualities and skills to help them for their future realization.