Chýba ti motivácia či inšpirácia…?
Category:RôzneMinimálne raz týždenne sme počas uplynulých rokov zvykli zverejniť aspoň jeden zaujímavý citát na zamyslenie, motivovanie, inšpirovanie a tu je zopár našich favourite, ktoré nás tiež často motivujú:)
“Dont wait for opportunity, create it”
“Difficult doesnt mean impossible. It simply means you have to try hard”
“Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”
“If nothing goes right, just go left” 🙂
“If plan “A” didnt work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool”
“Life doesnt get easier, you just get stronger”
“If you dont build your dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs” Tony Gaskins
“The distance between dream and reality is called action”
“You only fail when you stop trying”
“Its going to happen because I am going to make it happen”
“Its always seems impossible until its done” Nelson Mandela