Dátum konania
10/11/2017 - 19/11/2017
Miesta konania
Zakopane, Poland
Typ projektu:
feedback od jednej účastníčky:
“Tak pre mna to bol SUPER zážitok. Spoznala som skvelých ľudí, zlepšila sa v angličtine, naučila sa niečo z poľskej kultúry a hlavne som si odtiaľ odniesla nezabudnuteľne zážitky, ktoré by som inde určite nezískala. Ďakujem, že ste mi umožnili sa tohto projektu zúčastniť 🙂“ Lea
Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola:
Apply for European labor market project was a youth exchange organized within the Erasmus+ program. The project aimed to promote knowledge about the European labor market, vocational counseling, effective job search methods. During the exchange participants learnt how to create a Europass prepare for a job interview. They foud out where to look for work and how important the soft skills are. They got to know the rules of recruitment. They learnt more about the Erasmus + Program, especially about opportunities for the internships and trainings. All workshops and meetings were conducted using non-formal education. The result of our work was prepared business game about effective job search developed on the basis of exchanging knowledge and skills between project participants.
Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku 16 – 19 rokov. Účastníci boli z Poľska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bolo až 18 účastníkov.