Dátum konania
19/02/2019 - 26/02/2019
Miesta konania
Torremolinos, Spain
Typ projektu:
“Tréning sa nám veľmi páčil. Byť v novom prostredí s cudzími ľuďmi je vždy výzva. My sme mali to šťastie, že sme spoznali nielen účastníkov z rôznych krajín, ktorí boli naozaj super, ale aj šikovných organizátorov, ktorí si pripravili zaujímavé prednášky a rôznorodý program. Zabavili sme sa, naučili sme sa niečo nové o danej problematike i živote ľudí v iných krajinách. Myslíme, že nám tento projekt aspoň trochu zmenili myslenie a pohľad na svet – sme chápavejší a viac otvorení novým pozitívnym zmenám ? Ďakujem ADEL za túto super príležitosť.”
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol?
Islamophobia is considered one of the strong driving stimuli in the radicalization of young Muslims in Europe. One of the reasons behind the radicalization of young Muslim is seen as their failure to be fully accepted into European societies, even those who were born and raised in Europe and have European passports. The desired impact of this project is not only to clear away the prejudice against Islam but also to both stop and prevent any kind of fearful approach toward the philosophy and any practices of the religion of Islam. Consequently, the main aim of “Say no to Islamophobia” is to equip youth workers with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop practical tools for combating Islamophobia and counteract the spread of negative ideas about Islam and Muslims in their local contexts.
The project used non formal learning methodology including methods such as: ice breakers, energizers, name games, reflection groups, working into intercultural subgroups, facilitated discussion, creative presentations, simulation, case study, and debates.
Účastníci boli zo Španielska , Talianska
, Poľska
, Litvy
, Dánska
a Slovenska
. Z každej krajiny bolo po 3-4 účastníkov.