Naučili sme sa myslieť kreatívne!
Category:Príbehy účastníkovIn the period 14.08.2021 – 21.08.2021 an international training course Art of creative thinking ACT has been implemented in Sofia. The event gathered together participants from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Slovakia, working with and for the young people in their countries.
Art of creative thinking ACT is mobility for youth workers, co-financed on the program Erasmus+ of the European Union (training course), which will work for acquiring one of the most valuable skills of the future – the creative thinking and how it appears and develops in the young people, as it is one of the new skills, which employers search for and it is hard to acquires through the formal education system. During the TC the participants had the opportunity to explore the topic from different points of view and as well to receive information about the creative ways of new technology usability such as virtual and augmented reality, presented by the Bulgarian company BM vision and got informed about the European campaign “Stand for something”, presented by its ambassador Radina Radanova. The group has worked as well on the possibilities of accomplishment of EU youth goals through creativity and ways to reach young people and supply their personal and professional educational needs in terms of creativity development.
As robots increasingly take on manual labour in so-called Industrial revolution 4.0, we will need to foster what differentiates human from machine (at least for now): creativity. Evidence that psychological and physical well-being is paramount to creative thinking will turn the historic exchange of human health for economic growth on its head. As Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum writes, “I am convinced of one thing—that in the future, talent, more than capital, will represent the critical factor of production.” Creative humans, rather than fusion of technologies, is driving the 4th Industrial Revolution. Advancement in technology and their effective fusion is not the major driving force of this revolution — that is a result. Creativity is the major driving force behind this “industrial revolution.” While it is true that AI, super computers and robot manufacturing have already started reshaping workforces and economies, it is the creative workforce at companies such as Google, Tesla, SpaceX, and other notables who are helping engineer our future. At the same time, 40% of employers cannot find people with the right skills to fill their vacancies, and too few people have the preparation, mind-sets and competences to set up their own businesses or look for new opportunities. At the same time, 65% of school students in the moment will work on professions that do not exist yet. Education and training in Europe is the competence of Member States.
National and regional labour markets and education systems are faced with their own specific challenges but Member States face similar problems and opportunities. That is why European initiatives for skills aim to mobilise all EU stakeholders along the following lines of action: Understanding Skills; Developing skills; Showing skills. In line with the Europe 2020 strategy, country specific recommendations related to skills development are addressed to a high number of Member States each year to guide their national policymaking. Support for developing National Skills Strategies in conjunction with the OECD is available to help Member States design concrete policy responses, while EU funding (the European Social Fund, Erasmus+, Youth Employment Initiative, EGF, Horizon2020, EaSI, EFSI, COSME) helps to put policy designs into practice. This process has to be horizontal and needs to be used in all the available fields to be able to ensure proper implementation of innovative educational methodologies and to prepare young people for the future challenges.
A čo povedali po návrate domov samotní účastníci?
“Úžasne nám bolo! myslím že tento týždeň si ešte párkrát poplacem-pretože je uz koniec.” – Júlia
“Dobre, vela aktivit, vela info. Urcite som sa naucila nieco nove a nieco vyuzijem v praci.” – Kate
“Ako povedala Júlia, áno bolo nám fakt dobre. Úžasná partia, mnoho informácií a veľa smiechu. Proste super týždeň a ani neviem ako nám ten čas plynul.” – Nikola
“Súhlasím s dievčatami:) mali sme plno aktivít a zároveň čas spoznať sa navzájom a boli sme skvelá partia” – Zuzana