Hľadáme odborníkov v oblasti práce s mládežou
Category:RôzneOtvárame výzvu pre odborníkov v oblasti práce s mládežou, ktorí budú pracovať na tvorbe nových metód neformálneho vzdelávania pre riešenie nenávistných prejavov a zároveň zrealizujú nejaké takéto aktivity a podujatia s mladými ľuďmi. Ide o platenú pozíciu / ale vyžaduje len pár hodín mesačne popri práci.
Viac informácií v angličtine nižšie:
“Brave New YOU–Reloaded” project aims at bringing communities closer by building trust between different groups of young people as well as capacities to become active agenda-setters and actors for change at both local and European level to co-create more open-minded and inclusive Europe.
The project tackles the issues of lack of participation of disadvantaged and less represented groups in communities around Europe. Through a process of capacity building local and international activities, youth workers and youth organisations will develop competences for reaching out to disadvantaged youngsters and communities. The project will empower disadvantaged young people to be community leaders, to identify and deconstruct hateful narratives, and build more inclusive narratives for their communities.
The project gathers 11 partners from 10 countries around Europe working with diverse groups of young people in disadvantaged and deprived areas on local level, or representing them and providing space for their participation on the international level.
Brave New YOU – Reloaded will have three main flows:
– Flow 1 – Creating Brave New Communities: reaching out to young people in situations of disadvantaged in local communities, creating local groups of young people of different background that will work together on recognising, understanding and de-constructing harmful narratives and constructing new ones. Flow 1 will have activities both on local and European level with young people designing and giving feedback regarding the process and the outcomes
– Flow 2 – Creating Brave New Approaches: gathering information from the work done on local level during the Flow 1, existing and new practices done by partners and developing new methodologies that will be adapted to different environments – schools, youth organisations, youth centres for both local and European/international level.
– Flow 3 – Creating Brave New Europe: based on the experiences from Flows 1 and 2, recommendations and strategy on how to work with disadvantaged young people in different contexts (schools/youth sectors – local/European) will be developed together with numerous testimonials of individuals, communities and new narratives created
The experts selected will be working closely with partner organisations involved in the project and base their work on partners’ local realities and contexts.
There will be 10 experts in total in the expert group, one per partner, and their work will be coordinated by YEU Educational coordinator.
The most important for this assignment is that the main deliverable will be newly created or adapted activities to be used in local and European contexts to work on topics such as:
– Social inclusion programmes
– Tackling narratives (and building new ones)
– Working on empowerment of young people in situations of disadvantage
– Working with communities to promote the importance of inclusion
The expert group will create tools/approaches that will be used in both local youth work/school activities – with potential adaptations and European learning mobility projects – as 45-60 min sessions.
A very important aspect of this assignment is that it will closely follow the work done by young people in 10 countries through other project activities. Additionally, experts’ work will be tested by young people in local communities.
Depending on the COVID19 related situation, experts are expected to meet twice in person and work online in between. However, if the physical meetings are not possible, then the experts’ work will be only done online.
Additionally, a study visit to Portugal will be organized to explore specific practices and analyse specific cases of empowering disadvantaged young people in tackling hate and discriminatory narratives. The study visit will be organised during 2021 once travelling is possible.
The tools created will be tested in different environments, in order to assure that they can be easily adjustable for the different environments. The final output of the expert work will be a publication that will gather these tools and approaches for deconstructing hateful narratives and creating alternative ones.
Profile of the expert is following:
- Experience in working directly with young people in the context of non-formal education or youth work at local and/or international level
- Knowledge and experience with provision of activities using non-formal education methodologies
- Knowledge and experience with organising youth work activities based on youth work principles and values
- Experience in developing or adapting the non-formal education methodologies is a strong asset,
- Experience in working with young people with diverse backgrounds or in situations of disadvantage is a strong asset
The experts’ work will start in October 2020 and will last until June 2021, with possible extensions depending on the COVID19 situation.
Financial matters:
Each expert will receive the compensation of 2000 EUR gross (jednorázová odmena).
How to Apply:
V prípade záujmu zašlite na náš email – info@adelslovakia.org svoj životopis (stačí v slovenčine) a zopár viet kde zhrniete svoje skúsenosti s prácou s mládežou a v oblasti neformálneho vzdelávania (v angličtine).