Nová posila v našom tíme
Category:RôznePočuli ste už o programe Erasmus pre mladých podnikateľov? Tešíme, sa lebo cez tento program budeme na Slovensku 6 mesiacov hosťovať Sinana z Turecka, ktorý nám pomôže pri realizácii našich aktivít. Viac o ňom nižšie:
Hello everyone…
My name is Sinan, I am from Turkey. I am 26 and I graduated from university in 2016. My department was in Tourism guidance. After university, I met with Erasmus+ opportunities. First time I got opportunity to go abroad with Erasmus+ programmes. Then I realized that Erasmus+ programmes changed my life totally and I want to be more in this field. So I found a new opportunity.
I came to Slovakia with “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme”. This programme will take 6 months. During these 6 months I will work in ADEL. In this programme ADEL is my Host Entrepreneur. For now, this is all the information about this programme. Don’t worry next blog I will give more information about Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. Also, I am planning to share my experiences with the programme and exploring Slovakia, So you will meet with my other blogs too.
And I would like to especially thank the ADEL and Lenka Curillova to giving me this opportunity. Also for their really warm welcome.
Sinan Biçer